Sunday, May 31, 2009


Battle of The Smithsonian wasn't that good.If it weren't for the Smithsonian exhibits the movie will be better.None of the parts were hillarious.Though there were a lot of lessons.This was the worst Night At The Museum of all times.It was too odd enough.Larry Daley was waste.Dexter was better. The movie was weird

Wolverine and Bold Alligator

Bold Alligator sucks the opponent's powers.He's actually a man from a planet named Marvel.He was born with a" costume ".Wolverine has sharp razors in his hands.He was born to be a mutant.He has overlimits of temper tantrum.He has three names:Drake,Logun,Wolverine.Most people call him Wolverine.

Monday, May 18, 2009

My Journal

Today I woke up and went to the bathroom.It was hard to do all these together,going to the bathroom,brushing my teeth,dressing up,drinking milk,eating breakfast,and arranging my backpack.The day at school was pretty boring.Science was in schedule but we didn't do it of course.First it was calendar.Then etc.Then etc.Then etc.By the end it was really boring.Well,outside was pretty dumb for me.The good thing is...we didn't play outside.It's hard to wonder this kid named X and his playing outside and this boy named Y checking out girlish stuff.Everything is weird.This girl named Z speaks the Cheater-Cheater-Pumpkin-Eater language.I am sometimes wimpy.Well,you know.Just wimpy.